Typically, he heard a phrase in a play or a passage of music and felt compelled to translate the idea into a visual form
— Wendy Ice, on David Delamare

Featured Originals

David’s Story

David Delamare painted during his entire life. Even as a child he was busy drawing, painting, and writing stories.

HE WAS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED BY HIS MOTHER. Una lived just a few blocks away and was his greatest fan. She kept a scrapbook of his work, baked cookies for local gallery openings, and not infrequently dropped by with a roast beef sandwich or chicken pot pie. David knew from a very early age that he wanted to be an artist, and always earned his living through art. In his early years he set up a business painting signs and he occasionally taught art, but was proud of the fact that he has never had a “real” job.

DAVID WAS BORN IN LEICESTER, UK but spent most of his life in Portland, Oregon where he enjoyed the cloudy weather. Though he enjoyed travel, he never drove a car. He slept late and worked deep into the night. When he wasn't attending films, plays, or concerts he could usually be found at home or strolling in Portland Oregon’s Hawthorne District. He was a bit reclusive and rarely made public appearances.

David passed away in the fall of 2016. He and the paintings that might have come will be dearly missed.